Located in Saint Genevieve County, is the Crown Valley Winery, overlooking miles of vineyards with rolling hills in the distance. The setting is strongly reminiscent of the Napa Valley in California.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Unframed size: 11" by 14" Framed Size:17.5" by 20.5"
(Museum quality Frame,Black closed corner 3.5" frame with Gold lip around painting)
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Category | Landscapes |
Sonoma County in Northern California in the fall.
Notice the vineyard in the background. This painting is part of the permanent collection of San Dimas, CA.
Ehler's Vineyard in the Napa Valley. September towards sunset as the light is raking over the Mayacama Mountains to the west.
Brassfield Vineyard near Clearlake in Northern California above Davis. The beginning of grape harvest has just begun.
Limited Edition, signed and numbered, giclée prints on canvas: 95
Limited Edition One Size: 30" x 20" - $1,195
Arroyo Seco Road, near Greenfield, California. Miller's Ranch, Monterey County, California
Original Oil Painting on Canvas.
Unframed Size 12" by 24" Framed Size: 19.5" by 31.5" (Gold Montgomery Frame, Tempe Arizona)
$6,000 sold
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Category | Landscapes |