The countryside north of Springfield, Missouri in summertime.
Original Oil on Canvas
Unframed size: 8" by 10" Framed size 13.5" by 15.5"
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Running Springs Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley along Happy Canyon Road.
Original Oil Painting on Panel.
Unframed Size: 9" by 12" Framed Size: 14.75" by 17.75"
(Silver-Gold Frame with 1 inch linen liner and gold Filet)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Four Island Lake in Bear Valley Springs, near Tehachapi, CA.
Unframed: 16" by 20"
Framed: 23" by 27"
Oil on Linen mounted on Birch Panel
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
In the Tehachapi area there is a large heard of mustangs. They look like they have morgan bloodlines and the history of the area seems to back this up. These horses are beautiful and more refined than the typical mustang. They are on private property so to see them one must contact the person keeping watch over them.
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Spring in Southern Utah, just outside of Zion National Park
Original Oil Painting on Linen mounted on quarter inch panel.
Unframed Size: 18" by 24" Framed Size: 28.5" by 34.5"
Framed in a Delgado Bros. frame: warm red/brown frame with gold fillet and gold trim next to fillet and on outside edge. No linen liner)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Old Creek Road between Cayucos and Cambria, California. February, early spring, the only pine trees along this curvy road of oaks, hills and pastures.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas.
Unframed Size: 48" by 48" Framed Size: 59" by 59"
(Delgado Bros frame; warm medium oak frame; linen liner; copper-gold fillet and decorative trim between linen and frame.)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
About 30 miles north of Hearst Castle along the Coast Highway 101, California's Central Coast.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas.
Unframed Size: 72" by 36" Framed Size: 76.25" by 40.25"
(Delgado Bros Frame. Warm Brown with black 1 inch inside trim; no linen liner)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Zion National Park, the Kolob exit off Interstate 15. Fall color, yellow against red, blue and green.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas.
Unframed Size; 5" by 7" Framed Size: 11.5" by 13.5"
Black Frame with one inch gold color fillet (egg & dart design on fillet).
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Tejon Ranch, the largest contiguous expanse of private land in California, about 60 miles north of Los Angeles. Timeless wilderness stretches into the past and future.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Unframed size: 11" by 14" Framed size: 21" by 24.5"
(Delgado Bros. Frame- driftwood style with cream linen liner, gold fillet and gold egg and dart design between linen and driftwood)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |