Lavender Fields and native California oaks in the Santa Ynez Valley, California
Original oil painting on canvas.
Unframed Size: 20" by 50" Framed Size: 32" by 62"
(Framed in a Gold Montgomery Frame-Tempe, Arizona)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Located in Saint Genevieve County, is the Crown Valley Winery, overlooking miles of vineyards with rolling hills in the distance. The setting is strongly reminiscent of the Napa Valley in California.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Unframed size: 11" by 14" Framed Size:17.5" by 20.5"
(Museum quality Frame,Black closed corner 3.5" frame with Gold lip around painting)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Santa Ynez Valley along Happy Canyon Road
Original Oil Painting on Linen
Unframed Size: 24" by 18" Framed Size: 31.5" by 25.5"
(Framed in a Gold Montgomery Frame - Tempe, Arizona)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
In Bear Valley Springs there is an indigenous elk herd that wander the valley unrestricted. They are often found hanging out in the meadow around the 3 lakes in the valley. Although most people know to stay way back from these magnificent wild animals, some people new to the valley get way too close to these wild animals, endangering themselves and the elk.
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Summer afternoon in the Paso Robles, CA area.
Size:unframed: 6" by 8"
Framed: 12" by 14"
Available: $800
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Late October in Zion National Park.
Original Oil Painting on Linen.
Unframed Size: 20" by 30" Framed Size: 28.5" by 38.5"
(Distressed natural wood color frame with gold color fillet and 1.5" gold design on interior - Montgomery Frame - Tempe, Arizona)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
One of the cutest wildlife are baby fawns. These fawns are in Bear Valley Springs, California. The have been "hidden" by their mother while she goes off to eat. They are curious and look around instead of just lying under the large pine tree.
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Rock Creek in the Eastern Sierras, Little Lakes Valley.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas.
Unframed Size: 40" by 30" Framed Size: 51" by 41"
(Delgado Bros. Frame - driftwood style with cream linen liner, gold fillet and gold egg & dart design between linen and driftwood design)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |
Land between the Lakes in Kentucky is a National Recreation Area. It has herds of protected buffalo, elk, other wildlife and one of the few natural prairies left.
Oil on Canvas
8" X 10" unframed 13.5 X 15.5" framed
(Frame: custom 2.75" mahogany colored contemporary frame with .25" painted black fillet)
Album | Available Paintings |
Category | Landscapes |